Wednesday, March 14, 2018


                             OSHO QUESTION AND ANSWERS 2

Abridged from:
Get Out of Your Own Way
(Chapter # 21)

You can change the clothes, your job, the town, everything outside, but nothing changes inside. And in changing these things much energy and time is wasted. The deep urge is for inner change.

People go on changing their jobs, their house, their wife, their husband, but really they want to change themselves. But that seems almost impossible.

They may not have felt directly what their desire is and they go on projecting. They say, 'If I change this then things will be better.' They never are, because it is you, finally, who decides the mood, the climate of your being. The space in which you live is you and everything else is secondary.

I'm not saying to live in a horrible place. Live as comfortably as possible, but comfort is not a state of bliss. It is good as far as it goes but it is never satisfying. It is necessary but not enough.

... Nothing is wrong in seeing so many countries, but remember, this is not going to help. If you are in contact with yourself, go on travelling; there is no problem in it. But don't hope that anything is going to come out of it.

Enjoy it... it is fun... but don't think that you are going to become centred, liberated through it. And remember always, it may be a way of distracting yourself.

You may be basically bored with yourself, so when you have been in a town for a few days or a few weeks, you feel finished and that you have seen everything. Now the desire arises to go somewhere else.

This gives you a thrill, a sensation -- a new town, new people, new food, new climate. After a few days the sensation dies and everything becomes old. Again you have to be on the move.

Remember it should not be an escape from yourself; otherwise it is okay.

Go on searching your inner being, because unless you have found the inner country you will not feel satisfied. And once you have found that, wherever you are, you are surrounded in bliss.

So always remember that the outside world is beautiful, but don't be caught there, because the real beauty is waiting inside. Go on travelling if you enjoy it, but take it as fun. Continue travelling inwards... that is the real pilgrimage.


Osho: ‘The one who questioned answers.’

Abridged from:
Get Out of Your Own Way
(Chapter # 21)

If you are afraid of sex, that simply shows that you are afraid of life.

So sex is just a focusing of many problems -- afraid of life, afraid of death, afraid of darkness, afraid of surrender, afraid of let-go, and in short, afraid of leaving yourself in an uncontrolled state. But everybody has been taught to control.

The whole society goes on teaching every child to control. A controlled and disciplined personality is the goal.

That is creating the trouble. Then you create a conflict; the mind becomes the controller and everything else becomes the controlled. A rift arises in your being.

Of course the greatest attack of the mind is on sex because that is the most uncontrollable energy in you.

The mind feels impotent when the sexual urge arises, so the mind is the greatest enemy of sex. That's why all religions all over the world are so inimical towards sex.

They are all head-oriented. The mind says that somehow sex has to be controlled -- as if everything is at stake there. Once you have controlled sex, you have controlled the body, you have controlled life; you have controlled death. Everything is controlled and you are the master.

But this never happens. It cannot happen because the mind itself is nothing but an instrument of sex. This is the thing to be understood.

The mind exists for the sexual energy but not vice versa. It is an extension of sexual energy... to protect.

The mind is just a guard on the outermost boundary of your being, just a guard's post on the boundary to look out for any danger... a radar to look all around and see that everything is clear and to give the sign.

I will suggest, every day for one hour, simply sit and let God breathe you.