Wednesday, December 20, 2017


Abridged from:
Get Out of Your Own Way
(Chapter # 17)

In reaction you just go to the opposite extreme.

In fact the same society that you are thinking you are revolting against goes on controlling you in a negative way. It decides what you should do. If the society expects this, you will not do this.

You will do just the opposite -- but the opposite is decided by the society.

If the society says, 'Don't do this,' and you do it, then too, the society has been too important to you because it has decided your action by saying not to do it. This is reaction.

Reaction appears to be like a rebellion, but it is not.

It is a pseudo-rebellion, a false coin, a counterfeit, and it can never be satisfying. Again and again you will feel that you have been against the society, but you have not been able to get rid of it.

It is said of Mulla Nasrudin, that from his very childhood he was thought to be a difficult child; they called him contrary.

If you say to him 'Sit down' he will not sit down. If you want him to sit down, tell him to stand -- and immediately he will sit down. Contrary.

One day he was crossing a small stream with his father. On his donkey they had loaded bags of sugar, which were leaning too much to the right and there was fear that they might fall into the river.

The father wanted to say, 'Balance them -- pull the bags to the left, but then the contrary mind of Mulla Nasrudin would do just the opposite; he would pull the bags to the right. Then they would fall into the river sooner than they would have done.

So the father said, 'Pull the bags to the right, Nasrudin. They are going to fall to the left side.'

He knew that he would pull from the left just to go against him. But this time something happened. Nasrudin pulled to the right, and all the bags fell in!

The father said, 'What have you done? This is not like you!'

Nasrudin said, 'Am I just going to be a reactionary all my life? By telling me to pull to the right, you want me to pull to the left? Now I am an adult. You have forgotten that today I completed my twenty-one years!'

Become an adult now. You revolted -- you thought you revolted, but it is not a real revolution, otherwise you would have been tremendously happy.

A rebellious man is the most blissful man in the world, but a reactionary is not.


Abridged from:
Get Out of Your Own Way
(Chapter # 17)

I am not saying whether homosexuality is good or bad, whether heterosexuality is good or bad -- these are foolish statements.

Just listen to your own being.

If you feel good, whatsoever it is, without any conditions, move with it. Be selfish.

Let that be the deciding factor: be selfish.

Always listen to your own self, its happiness, and wherever you can find it, find.

This is the beauty of it. If you are selfish you will become very altruistic because you will find that you can only be happy when you make people happy.

You will find by experimentation that you can be peaceful only if you don't make other people around you disturbed. Otherwise you cannot be peaceful.

One who is really selfish becomes automatically altruistic. A really selfish person becomes a servant of the people.

So this is what I would like. Drop the society as if it doesn't exist.

It is not worth that much; you have given it too much attention.


Saturday, December 9, 2017


Osho: ‘The one who questioned answers.’

Abridged from:
Get Out of Your Own Way
(Chapter # 13)

Many things happen through meditation, but you have to implement them in your life, otherwise they disappear.

A certain experience flowers, you see something -- try to implement it in your life.

It is not just about an experience but about implementation in daily life chores.

If you feel very loving, then be loving; don't keep it to yourself. Somehow relate it to people. If you relate, it will grow. If you keep it to yourself, it will disappear because it needs roots somewhere.

If you feel like sharing, share; don't just go on postponing it. Whatsoever happens inside, try, make every effort, to do the same outside also.

That's how a religious style of life is created.

But first it should happen on the inside, and the outer should follow like a shadow. One has to remember the outer. If you forget about it, you become lopsided.

Many things go on happening inside and you never implement them so they disappear. You have to give them roots in the earth.

So whatsoever experiences come, find out ways and means to bring them into your real life. If you are feeling a deep gratefulness during meditation... suddenly one day you feel God showering on you and you feel grateful... then remember that and feel grateful with whomsoever you come in contact -- as if all the forms are of God.

Remain grateful for as long as you can remember. If you forget, okay. When you remember again, feel grateful for small things.

Somebody just smiled at you -- feel grateful. Somebody said hello -- feel grateful.

If you can watch and hear and feel grateful, you will almost hear it as if it is coming from God. It is coming from Him. He uses many people as His vehicles.

So whatsoever experiences happen, you can always find a way to make it part of your ordinary life, the real life. Religion should not remain fictitious, and it should not become just part of your dreams. It should be brought to actual reality.

Once it comes to the actual reality you can forget about it and it will continue. It will hover around you... it will become your aura and you will always be in contact with it.


Abridged from:
Get Out of Your Own Way
(Chapter # 15)

Prem means love and Gyan means knowledge -- Knowledge that comes through love.

There are two types of knowledge. One needs no love -- the scientific knowledge.

You need not love the object you are going to know. In fact if you love, scientific knowledge will not be possible. For scientific knowledge an absolutely non-emotional attitude is needed. You should not be loving. You should be completely aloof, indifferent -- not for or against.

So for scientific knowledge a detached attitude is needed.

Religious knowledge is totally different.

If you are detached you will never be able to know what religion is. You have to be deeply in love with it because this is a knowledge that comes through deep participation. You cannot remain out of it.

The knower becomes part of the known. In fact the more the knower dissolves into the unknown, the more he comes to know.

A moment comes when the knower is completely lost. Only then knowledge is perfect.

Prem Gyan -- means knowledge that comes through love, personal knowledge; not objective but subjective knowledge.

All that is beautiful comes through love and all that comes without love is dangerous. It will bring Nagasaki, Hiroshima. It is going to be destructive because in the first place it has not been through love.

If the seed has not been loving, the fruit is going to be poisonous. That's why the whole scientific effort, and such a tremendous effort leads nowhere but to deeper and deeper misery -- to war, to technology, to ecological destruction.

In fact it is sabotaging the whole life rather than enhancing it.

Sooner or later ... humanity has to bring a revolution in the scientific attitude. It has to learn something from religion only then science can be a help to humanity, otherwise it is going to destroy everything.


Saturday, December 2, 2017


Abridged from:
Get Out of Your Own Way
(Chapter # 12)

Once something is exposed, it evaporates. Hide a thing and it remains with you.

Expose it, it evaporates.

It is just like taking the roots of the tree out of the earth. Once you have exposed the roots to the air and to the sun, the tree is dead. If the roots remain deep down in the earth, you can go on cutting the tree again and again, but again it will sprout.

Never fight with branches.

My whole effort is to make you alert not to fight with branches and leaves. It is futile. Bring the roots up and see exactly where the problem is. Your problem is with yourself.

If you hate yourself, then hate. Don't avoid it, and don't be polite. Accept that you hate... let it be there and function. Let it be active so that you can see how it functions, how it possesses you, how it manipulates you.

The very understanding of how it functions, becomes a freedom.

Truth liberates, but the truth has to be brought up and out of the dark comers of your being.

Sannyas is not life-negative -- my sannyas is not. It is a simple inner trust.

It is a gesture of surrender -- that you love me and will allow me to love you... that if I shower my love on you, you will receive it in gratefulness.

Two piece robes divide the body into upper and lower. Below the belt is sex, above the belt is acceptable.

When you wear a one piece robe, your body is one -- nothing higher or lower. When your body flows as one, you will feel a certain aura of energy around you. The orange protects and seals this in.

One can meditate and can become enlightened in any colour. I am giving you something irrational just to test whether you are ready to go with me.

I put a mala around your neck just to make a fool of you. People laugh at you -- they think you have gone crazy.

That's what I want because if you can go with me, even while I am making you almost mad, then I know that when the real crisis comes, you will have trust.

These are crises artificially created around you. They are tremendously significant, with no reason. Their significance is deeper than reason.

My meditations are not just techniques. Joy is more basic.

So while doing them, don't carry any seriousness in the mind; don't carry the idea that you are doing great religious work. No -- you are enjoying them like a dance, a song.


Osho: ‘The one who questioned answers.’

Abridged from:
Get Out of Your Own Way
(Chapter # 13)

This relationship has not helped so how can the other help?

You can go into a thousand and one relationships, and you will get more and more confused and fragmented. You will fall apart all over the place, but it is not going to help.

Rather, when you are feeling sexuality, close your eyes and meditate on it: where is it coming from, why is it coming, how is it coming? See that somehow the relationship with the woman with whom you are living is not very deep, not very satisfying.

Make it more satisfying, make it deeper. Make it more open and vulnerable.

Somewhere discontent is there -- so that has to be tackled. It is not going to be of any help to move into another relationship because with the same mind moving with you, the discontent will continue.

Discontent is within you. The way you relate is not total.

So make it total... make it more meditative. And don't hide.

Tell her that this is how things are happening, so then she can be helpful and you can move into a deeper relationship; you can make everything as deep as possible.

Rather than being attracted to every passerby -- you will become a driftwood if you do that -- tackle the problem where it is. It is somewhere deep inside you.

Otherwise it can create many problems. It can create bodily, physiological problems. You will feel depleted & dissipated.

Also remember the distance between you and me will depend on your inner quality of mind. Always continue to work on your quality of mind.