Saturday, December 2, 2017


Abridged from:
Get Out of Your Own Way
(Chapter # 12)

Once something is exposed, it evaporates. Hide a thing and it remains with you.

Expose it, it evaporates.

It is just like taking the roots of the tree out of the earth. Once you have exposed the roots to the air and to the sun, the tree is dead. If the roots remain deep down in the earth, you can go on cutting the tree again and again, but again it will sprout.

Never fight with branches.

My whole effort is to make you alert not to fight with branches and leaves. It is futile. Bring the roots up and see exactly where the problem is. Your problem is with yourself.

If you hate yourself, then hate. Don't avoid it, and don't be polite. Accept that you hate... let it be there and function. Let it be active so that you can see how it functions, how it possesses you, how it manipulates you.

The very understanding of how it functions, becomes a freedom.

Truth liberates, but the truth has to be brought up and out of the dark comers of your being.

Sannyas is not life-negative -- my sannyas is not. It is a simple inner trust.

It is a gesture of surrender -- that you love me and will allow me to love you... that if I shower my love on you, you will receive it in gratefulness.

Two piece robes divide the body into upper and lower. Below the belt is sex, above the belt is acceptable.

When you wear a one piece robe, your body is one -- nothing higher or lower. When your body flows as one, you will feel a certain aura of energy around you. The orange protects and seals this in.

One can meditate and can become enlightened in any colour. I am giving you something irrational just to test whether you are ready to go with me.

I put a mala around your neck just to make a fool of you. People laugh at you -- they think you have gone crazy.

That's what I want because if you can go with me, even while I am making you almost mad, then I know that when the real crisis comes, you will have trust.

These are crises artificially created around you. They are tremendously significant, with no reason. Their significance is deeper than reason.

My meditations are not just techniques. Joy is more basic.

So while doing them, don't carry any seriousness in the mind; don't carry the idea that you are doing great religious work. No -- you are enjoying them like a dance, a song.


Osho: ‘The one who questioned answers.’

Abridged from:
Get Out of Your Own Way
(Chapter # 13)

This relationship has not helped so how can the other help?

You can go into a thousand and one relationships, and you will get more and more confused and fragmented. You will fall apart all over the place, but it is not going to help.

Rather, when you are feeling sexuality, close your eyes and meditate on it: where is it coming from, why is it coming, how is it coming? See that somehow the relationship with the woman with whom you are living is not very deep, not very satisfying.

Make it more satisfying, make it deeper. Make it more open and vulnerable.

Somewhere discontent is there -- so that has to be tackled. It is not going to be of any help to move into another relationship because with the same mind moving with you, the discontent will continue.

Discontent is within you. The way you relate is not total.

So make it total... make it more meditative. And don't hide.

Tell her that this is how things are happening, so then she can be helpful and you can move into a deeper relationship; you can make everything as deep as possible.

Rather than being attracted to every passerby -- you will become a driftwood if you do that -- tackle the problem where it is. It is somewhere deep inside you.

Otherwise it can create many problems. It can create bodily, physiological problems. You will feel depleted & dissipated.

Also remember the distance between you and me will depend on your inner quality of mind. Always continue to work on your quality of mind.


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