Abridged from:
Get Out of Your Own Way
(Chapter # 20)
I am not saying don't be in love. Be in love, but never make love an alternative to meditation; it is not.
Love and meditate -- they are two different things.
Some day a higher synthesis comes, but that day has not come yet. When love becomes meditation, meditation becomes love. That is very difficult to attain -- only when all polarities dissolve.
This is a deep polarity -- love and meditation.
Meditation is happiness in your absolute aloneness; love is happiness with somebody else. In love, the other is important; in meditation, only you.
Love is ‘I and thou’. Meditation is complete... getting out of the ‘I-thou’ world. It is just being yourself -- not even ‘I’.
Meditation is solitude, love is relationship. They are totally different; diametrically opposite.
When people start moving into meditation, they start moving out of love. This I watch happening every day. When your love becomes a frustration, you come to me for meditation.
Meditation is needed -- one is feeling very unhappy. And when you start a love relationship, you simply forget all about meditation. You think of love as meditation.
Be balanced -- both wings are needed. Love, meditate, and don't create a conflict between them.
When it is time to meditate, meditate. And there is enough time -- twenty-four hours. I am not saying to meditate for twenty-four hours. Give just two hours for meditation; a few hours for love, and a few hours for other things in life.
Never make anything monotonous, otherwise sooner or later you will get fed up with it.
That guilt has a message -- don't try to get rid of it. Try and listen to the message... and start meditating.
Get Out of Your Own Way
(Chapter # 21)
Once the disease is known, once it is diagnosed, then changing is not difficult.
The most difficult part is the diagnosis: how exactly to know what the problem is.
This is my observation, that the mind has become so cunning in hiding, that when there is a problem, it never allows the actual problem to come to you; it changes the problem.
If you want to kill your father, the mind dreams of killing your uncle, not your father. The uncle looks like the father, is a little fatherly, and yet he is not the father. The mind diverts your attention to something similar -- but the problem is pseudo.
You wanted to do something and this may not be the real desire. You may really have wanted to do something else, but the mind played a trick and distracted you.
Many people feel that their problem is religious and it is not. Sometimes it is sexual, sometimes it is some sort of obsession, neurosis, or something else.
Many people think that they want to be silent, peaceful, and they think this is their problem. But the deeper you go, you find that that is not the problem. The problem is greed or ambition, or something else. They have become so afraid of facing reality that they go on deceiving themselves, because when the problem is falsified, treatment becomes impossible.
You have a headache and you say you have a stomach ache. All the treatment goes to the stomach and the head is saved, the headache continues.
This treatment can be dangerous, because if there is no problem in the stomach and some medicine is given, problems will arise. If there is a problem, the medicine will solve it. If there is no problem, it will create a problem, an illness. It will become toxic, poisonous or something.
So the basic thing is to first face the real problem, naked.
Abridged from:
Get Out of Your Own Way
(Chapter # 20)
I am not saying don't be in love. Be in love, but never make love an alternative to meditation; it is not.
Love and meditate -- they are two different things.
Some day a higher synthesis comes, but that day has not come yet. When love becomes meditation, meditation becomes love. That is very difficult to attain -- only when all polarities dissolve.
This is a deep polarity -- love and meditation.
Meditation is happiness in your absolute aloneness; love is happiness with somebody else. In love, the other is important; in meditation, only you.
Love is ‘I and thou’. Meditation is complete... getting out of the ‘I-thou’ world. It is just being yourself -- not even ‘I’.
Meditation is solitude, love is relationship. They are totally different; diametrically opposite.
When people start moving into meditation, they start moving out of love. This I watch happening every day. When your love becomes a frustration, you come to me for meditation.
Meditation is needed -- one is feeling very unhappy. And when you start a love relationship, you simply forget all about meditation. You think of love as meditation.
Be balanced -- both wings are needed. Love, meditate, and don't create a conflict between them.
When it is time to meditate, meditate. And there is enough time -- twenty-four hours. I am not saying to meditate for twenty-four hours. Give just two hours for meditation; a few hours for love, and a few hours for other things in life.
Never make anything monotonous, otherwise sooner or later you will get fed up with it.
That guilt has a message -- don't try to get rid of it. Try and listen to the message... and start meditating.
Get Out of Your Own Way
(Chapter # 21)
Once the disease is known, once it is diagnosed, then changing is not difficult.
The most difficult part is the diagnosis: how exactly to know what the problem is.
This is my observation, that the mind has become so cunning in hiding, that when there is a problem, it never allows the actual problem to come to you; it changes the problem.
If you want to kill your father, the mind dreams of killing your uncle, not your father. The uncle looks like the father, is a little fatherly, and yet he is not the father. The mind diverts your attention to something similar -- but the problem is pseudo.
You wanted to do something and this may not be the real desire. You may really have wanted to do something else, but the mind played a trick and distracted you.
Many people feel that their problem is religious and it is not. Sometimes it is sexual, sometimes it is some sort of obsession, neurosis, or something else.
Many people think that they want to be silent, peaceful, and they think this is their problem. But the deeper you go, you find that that is not the problem. The problem is greed or ambition, or something else. They have become so afraid of facing reality that they go on deceiving themselves, because when the problem is falsified, treatment becomes impossible.
You have a headache and you say you have a stomach ache. All the treatment goes to the stomach and the head is saved, the headache continues.
This treatment can be dangerous, because if there is no problem in the stomach and some medicine is given, problems will arise. If there is a problem, the medicine will solve it. If there is no problem, it will create a problem, an illness. It will become toxic, poisonous or something.
So the basic thing is to first face the real problem, naked.
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