It is a simple way for beginners to explore the chakras self-tutored. It helps in awakening them gently, and in a balanced integrated way.
How to do Chakra Meditation
It can be done sitting, or lying.
Close your eyes, adjust your body, clothing.
Let the breath relax, slow and deepen, but do not control it.
Now bring awareness to the spinal passage, such that awareness of breath is from bottom to top,
Spend a few minutes establishing this inner breath pattern up and down. Ascending with inhalation, descending with exhalation.
Begin to locate chakras within that channel.
Need not pin point the exact location, just focus on general area.
Try to feel the location of each station and mentally repeat its name as you pass by it.
On your way up mentally repeat from Mooldhara to Ajna, and way down reverse the order.
Just before finishing let go of breath sound, then names. And chant mantra' 'Om' 3 times.
Precaution to be taken
Awakening of Chakra can have its side effects. Excessive mental energy can be a problem with those who do not have abundant physical activity.
Never meditate on one Chakra without qualified guidance. It can lead to an imbalance and cause personality problems.
Beeja Mantra (seed Mantra) Chakra Meditation :
If you ask me to define the exact method of doing Chakra Meditation, it will be like this :-
(1) Sit in the lotus pose. Take some deep breaths.
(2) We will be focusing on various Chakras of our body one by one, starting from the lowermost Muladhara to the uppermost Sahsrara. While we focus on the Chakra, we will recite the Seed Mantra associated with its elements. It will go like this:
a) Focus your attention on the place where Muladhara the base Chakra (representing the Earth element) is located in your body. Now repeat thrice : LAM…. LAM … LAM ….
b) Now bring your attention on the place where Swadhishtan the Sacral Chakra (representing the Water element) is located in your body. Now repeat thrice : VAM …. VAM … VAM ….
c) Now bring your attention on the place where Manipura, the Solar Plexus Chakra (representing the Fire element), is located in your body. Now repeat thrice : RAM …. RAM … RAM ….
d) Now bring your attention on the place where Anahata, the Heart Chakra (representing the Air element), is located in your body. Now repeat thrice : YAM …. YAM … YAM ….
e) Now bring your attention on the place where Vishuddha, the Throat Chakra (representing the Akasha/Space element), is located in your body. Now repeat thrice : HAM …. HAM … HAM ….
f) Now bring your attention on the place where Aagya, the Third Eye Chakra (representing the Supreme element comprising all the basic elements), is located in your body. Now repeat thrice : AUM …. AUM … AUM ….
g) Now bring your attention on the place where Sahasrara, the Crown Chakra (Considered to be beyond all elements), is located in your body. Now repeat thrice : AUM …. AUM … AUM ….
(3) Once you complete the above steps, you will be having two options: (i) Either repeat the above cycle by following all the seven steps mentioned above or (ii) Repeat any of your chosen Mantra of your liking (as explained in the Mantra section here).
I would advise you not to do the first option in excess. Instead please follow a combination of the 3 steps as below:
Suppose you have chosen the Mantra ‘OM Namah Shivay’ for repetition. Therefore, do the combination like this:-
(3.1) Recite the cycle of 7 seed Mantras as explained above. Then recite the Mantra ‘Om Namah Shivay’ three times.
(3.2) Repeat the above (i.e. one cycle of 7 seed mantras and 1 main mantra) two times more.
(3.3) Now stop the cycle of 7 seed mantra and only recite the main Mantra (Om Namah Shivay in this case) continuously for 5-10 minutes.
This, in nutshell, is the entire technique of Chakra Meditation.
Another Method of Chakra Meditation :
Another method of Chakra Meditation which is equally good but adopt a slight different approach is this:-
Instead of focusing on the seven chakras one by one and repeating their Seed Mantras one by one, you can focus on just one Chakra in one session. What you will be doing is to focus on just one Chakra in your body and repeating the Mantras related to its element. Apart from repeating the Seed Mantra of that Chakra, you can also visualize the colour related to that Chakra.
While you focus your attention on one particular Chakra, you must repeat one of the main mantras after this method. It will help in balancing any sudden force of energy that may arise within you.
Main Mantras are important medium to control the power of Kundalini)
Important things to be kept in mind :
(1) While repeating the mantras, the instructions as explained here should be kept in view.
(2) While the main mantra should be repeated contemplating its meaning in your heart, the same will not be possible in the case of seed Mantras as they don’t have any particular meaning. So while reciting them you should focus on their respective chakras.
Wheels of Life: A User's Guide to the Chakra System (Llewellyn's New Age Series)
Meditation for Awakening Chakras: 7 Simple Guided Meditation Techniques for Awakening & Balancing your Chakras: [ A Beginner's Guide to Opening and Balancing Your Chakras ]
Chakra Suite: Music for Meditation, Healing and Inner Peace
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